Tuesday 2 May 2017


The average adult human body is about 60 percent water. Skin alone contains 63 percent water. Water is required for our cells to transport nutrients and minerals throughout our bodies, and also to help eliminate wastes and toxins. When you don’t drink enough water, you become dehydrated. Dehydration prevents your body from eliminating toxins through your skin, which in turn makes your skin more susceptible to skin problems and disorders, such as dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, discoloration, and even premature wrinkling. Assuming these issues were caused by dehydration, they can be improved over time with proper hydration.

There’s no doubt that adequate water intake is also needed for hair cells to transport nutrients and vitamins to the hair root. This process is responsible for keeping hair hydrated from the inside out, which directly affects hair growth and retention. If you’ve been experiencing hair breakage and shedding, or you haven’t seen noticeable hair growth after several months, dehydration may be to blame. Because our bodies rely so heavily on water, vital parts like the brain, heart, kidneys, blood, and lungs receive water first, while the hair gets whatever is left over. If you’re not drinking much water, chances are, that’s little or nothing. Besides encouraging hair growth, proper hydration can also help with dry scalp, itching, and flaking.So always drink lots of water,eat fresh fruits and vegetables like Watermelon,Cantaloupe,Kiwi,Apple,Mint,Pineapple,Orange and Lemons to keep yourself hydrated.Also avoid meat,oily and spicy food in summer.Excess tea,coffee and other caffeinated drinks should be avoided.For information and queries on skin,hair and nails visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai .Call 9004839333 for appointments.

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