Friday, 22 September 2017


The first step in hair care is your diet and the two most important things in your diet are iron and protein. The hair cells are the fastest growing cells in the body but they are also the first ones to be affected you don't eat right or suffer with deficiencies because they are not required for survival.
Try and include iron rich food like leafy vegetables, fish, pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpea, soybeans and cereals in your diet. Doctors suggest that you consume iron daily. You also need protein because that's what strengthens your hair. Include complete proteins which are also rich in amino acids: like cheese, milk, soy, lentils, peas, quinoa and yogurt.For all skin,hair and nail ailments visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.Call 9004839333 for appointments.

Thursday, 21 September 2017


Laser Tattoo Removal is one of the latest inventions of Medical Sciences.Previously  it was  impossible to remove the permanent tattoos but now with the advancement of technology the permanent tattoos can be removed easily in a few sessions.
Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam called Laser.Generally 2 to 6 sessions are required for complete removal of Tattoo.However depending upon the size,coloration,age and location of the tattoo determine the exact number of sessions.
Only a certified and skilled dermatologist should perform Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment.

For queries and appointments call 9004839333.Clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Skin tags are invariably benign - non cancerous - tumors of the skin which cause no symptoms, unless it is repeatedly rubbed or scratched, as may happen with clothing, jewelry, or when shaving. Very large skin tags may burst under pressure.
Skin tags are benign, asymptomatic skin tumors, often raised from the skin on fleshy peduncles.
Skin tags are composed of a core of fibers and ducts, nerve cells, fat cells, and a covering or epidermis.
Some people inherit an increased susceptibility to skin tags, and being obese or overweight also appears to increase the likelihood of developing this skin anomaly. Skin tags affect people of all genders equally, but are more likely to occur in people who are pregnant and/or who have diabetes.
Visit your nearest dermatology clinic.Clinics at Malad,Juhu  and Bandra.Contact no.9004839333

Saturday, 16 September 2017


Excessive exposure to ultra violate rays (UVA and UVB) of the sun accelerates melanin production in the skin that leads to darkening of exposed skin. Sun tan usually occurs on body parts that are exposed to sun such as, face, neck, arms, and legs. Sun tan causes various skin problems such as:
·         Acne
·         Pimples
·         Fine Lines
·         Wrinkles
·         Dark Spots
·         Hyperpigmentation
·         Premature Aging of Skin
·         Skin Burn
·         In extreme cases it can lead to skin cancer

For queries and appointments call 9004839333.Clinics at  Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.

Friday, 15 September 2017


Psoriasis is a chronic disease. It develops when a person’s immune systemsends faulty signals that tell skin cells to grow too quickly. New skin cells form in days rather than weeks.
The body does not shed these excess skin cells. The skin cells pile up on the surface of the skin, causing patches of psoriasis to appear. Psoriasis may look contagious, but it's not.
You cannot get
 psoriasis from touching someone who has it. To get psoriasis, a person must inherit the genes that cause it.
Types of psoriasis
If you have psoriasis, you will have one or more of these types:
·         Plaque (also called psoriasis vulgaris).
·         Guttate.
·         Inverse (also called flexural psoriasis or intertriginous psoriasis).
·         Pustular.
·         Erythrodermic (also called exfoliative psoriasis).
Some people get more than one type. Sometimes a person gets one type of psoriasis, and then the type of psoriasis changes.

Its treatment depends on chronicity,severity,types,also patient's age,lifestyle also play an important role in its treatment.For appointments call 9004839333 to visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra  for all skin,hair and nail ailments.

Thursday, 14 September 2017


Flakes and an itchy, scaly scalp are the main symptoms of dandruff. White, oily flakes typically accumulate in your hair and on your shoulders and often get worse during the fall and winter months air, when the is dry.
Here are a few common culprits:
·       irritated and oily skin, a condition also known as seborrheic dermatitis (a more severe form of dandruff)
·       not shampooing enough, which causes skin cells to accumulate and create flakes and itching
·       yeast called malassezia, which aggravate your scalp and cause excess skin cell growth
·       different personal care products may cause contact dermatitis, which makes your scalp red and itchy
Men develop dandruff more frequently than women. People who tend to have oilier hair or live with certain illnesses (such as Parkinson’s disease or HIV) are also at higher risk. You may have started to notice symptoms around puberty, but dandruff can develop at any age.For all skin,hair and nail ailments visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.Call 9004839333 for appointment. 

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Exposure to ultraviolet light through sunbathing, tanning booths, and outdoor sports increases the chance of developing wrinkles earlier.UV light breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. These fibers form the skin's connective tissue. They are located under the surface of the skin, and they support the skin. Breaking down this layer causes the skin to become weaker and less flexible. The skin starts to droop, and wrinkles appear.Clothes that cover the body, such as hats and long sleeves, may delay the development of wrinkles.People who work in the sunlight have a higher chance of early wrinkles. Jobs that involve this type of exposure include fishing and farming. Sailors, golfers, beach lifeguards, and gardeners may also be more prone to skin aging.Regular smoking accelerates the aging process of skin, because of the reduced blood supply to the skin. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, and dry skin is more likely to wrinkle.
For all skin,hair and nail ailments visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.For appointments call9004839333.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Any time your skin is not protected by sunscreen or clothes and gets too much sun, it can burn or tan. But why do some people get a sunburn and others get a suntan?You have something called melanin in your skin. It's the stuff that gives your skin its color. People who have dark skin have more melanin. People who have light skin have less. Here's how melanin makes your skin burn or tan:
·         Your body normally makes melanin to try to protect the deeper layers of your skin from damage.
·         When your skin gets damaged by the sun's rays, it makes even more melanin to try to protect your skin from being damaged even more. That causes the skin to change color:
    • Dark-skinned people usually turn darker brown, or tan, when they go in the sun.
    • Light-skinned people usually turn more red, or burn, when they go in the sun.

Besides tanning or burning, a lot of people also get uneven patches of color, or freckles.Even if you have naturally dark skin or never burn and always tan, that still means the sun is damaging your skin. And you can still get skin cancer and wrinkles some day.For all skin,hair and nail ailments visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.Call 9004839333 for appointments.

Saturday, 9 September 2017


The cause of a skin infection depends on the type of infection.
Bacterial skin infection: This occurs when bacteria enter the body through a break in the skin, such as a cut or a scratch. Getting a cut or scratch doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll develop a skin infection, but it does increase your risk if you have a weakened immune system.
A decreased immune system can be the result of an illness or the side effect of medication.
Viral skin infection: The most common viruses come from one of three groups of viruses: poxvirus, human papillomavirus, and herpes virus.
Fungal infection: Body chemistry and lifestyle can increase the risk of a fungal infection. For example, you may experience multiple bouts of athlete’s foot if you’re a runner or if you sweat a lot. Fungi often grow in warm, moist environments. Wearing sweaty or wet clothes is a risk factor for skin infections. A break or cut in the skin may allow bacteria to get into the deeper layers of the skin.
Parasitic skin infection: Tiny insects or organisms burrowing underneath your skin and laying eggs can cause a parasitic skin infection.

For more information and consultation visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai .Call 9004839333 for appointments.

Friday, 8 September 2017


Hives  are itchy welts that can show up anywhere on your skin. They’re caused by an allergic or other type of reaction. They can last a few minutes or several days before they go away. Sometimes they’re a sign of more serious problems, especially when you have trouble breathing. Hives that recur or that last more than 6 weeks are considered chronic urticaria and require further evaluation.
If you have hives along with fever, nausea, stomach cramps, shortness of breath, and a drop in blood pressure after a bee sting, insect bite, or drug injection, that can be a sign of a life-threatening  allergy.Common triggers for hives include:
  • Foods like milk, fish, or nuts
  • Drugs like aspirin or penicillin
  • Food additives like flavorings and preservatives
  • Bug Bites
  • Extreme cold or heat
  • Pressure on the skin
  • Viral infections
  • Skin contact with allergens.
For treatment visit our clinics at malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.Call  9004839333 for appointments.

Thursday, 7 September 2017


The causes of skin tags vary and sometimes they may appear for seemingly no specific reason. However, there are certain risk factors that may make it more likely that you will get skin tags. Age is a major factor in your susceptibility to skin tags; people who are older than middle age are more likely to suffer from skin tags. Skin tags also commonly appear on those who are overweight. Pregnant women are also more susceptible to skin tags. People with diabetes may also be at a greater risk for skin tags.
Skin tags usually appear in areas where skin rubs against skin, which is why they commonly appear in areas such as the neck, eyelids, armpits, groin, and underneath or around breasts. They can also grow in other areas such as the back and chest. Knowing the causes and risk factors for skin tags is the first step in prevention and treatment.One should visit a board certified expert dermatologist for skin tags removal treatment.Visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai for all skin,hair and nail ailments.Call 9004839333 for appointments.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017


Melasma causes patches of discoloration. The patches are darker than your typical skin color. It typically occurs on the face and is symmetrical, with matching marks on both sides of your face. Other areas of your body that are often exposed to sun can also develop melasma.
Brownish colored patches usually appear on the:
·       cheeks
·       forehead
·       bridge of the nose
·       chin
It can also occur on the neck and forearms. The skin discoloration doesn't do any physical harm, but you may feel self-conscious about the way it looks.

If you notice these symptoms of melasma, see a dermatologist .Visit our clinics at  Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai for all skin,hair and nail ailments.Call 9004839333 for appointments.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017


The symptoms of a skin infection vary depending on the type. Common symptoms include redness of the skin and a rash. You may also experience other symptoms, such as itching, pain, and tenderness.
See a dermatologist if you have pus-filled blisters or a skin infection that doesn’t improve or gets progressively worse. Skin infections can spread beyond the skin and into the bloodstream. When this happens it can become life-threatening.
Signs of a severe infection include:
·       pus
·       blisters
·       skin sloughing, breakdown
·       dark, necrotic appearing skin, or skin that becomes discolored and painful.

For more information and consultation visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai .Call 9004839333 for appointments.

Monday, 4 September 2017


Pigmentation means coloring. Skin pigmentation disorders affect the color of your skin. Your skin gets its color from a pigment called melanin. Special cells in the skin make melanin. When these cells become damaged or unhealthy, it affects melanin production. Some pigmentation disorders affect just patches of skin. Others affect your entire body.
If your body makes too much melanin, your skin gets darker. Pregnancy, Addison's disease, and sun exposure all can make your skin darker. If your body makes too little melanin, your skin gets lighter. Vitiligo is a condition that causes patches of light skin. Albinism is a genetic condition affecting a person's skin. A person with albinism may have no color, lighter than normal skin color, or patchy missing skin color. Infections, blisters and burns can also cause lighter skin.

Visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra for all skin,hair and nail ailments.Contact 9004839333.

Saturday, 2 September 2017


Many things can leave your skin dry and flaky, from cold air to the chlorine in swimming pools. In a small number of people, a group of diseases called ichthyosis causes skin dryness and scaling.
It can't be cured, but treatments can relieve the scaling and make you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Ichthyosis is not one disease, but a family of about 20 skin conditions that lead to dry skin. People with this condition lose the protective barrier that keeps moisture in their skin. They also make new skin cells too quickly or shed old cells too slowly. This leads to a buildup of thick, scaly skin.

The condition gets its name from the Greek word for fish, because the skin looks like fish scales.For treatments of all skin,hair and nail ailments visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.Call 9004839333 for appointments.

Friday, 1 September 2017


In normal, healthy people,fungal infection of the nails are most commonly caused by fungus that is caught from moist, wet areas. Communal showers, such as those at a gym or swimming pools, are common sources. Going to nail salons that use inadequate sanitization of instruments (such as clippers, filers, and foot tubs) in addition to living with family members who have fungal nails are also risk factors. Athletes have been proven to be more susceptible to nail fungus. This is presumed to be due to the wearing of tight-fitting, sweaty shoes associated with repetitive trauma to the toenails. Having athlete's foot makes it more likely that the fungus will infect your toenails. Repetitive trauma also weakens the nail, which makes the nail more susceptible to fungal infection.

Elderly people and people with certain underlying disease states are also at higher risk. These include anything that impairs your immune system can make you prone to getting infected with the fungus. These include conditions such as AIDS, diabetes,cancer, psoriasis or taking any immunosuppressive medications like steroids.Visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra  in Mumbai for all  skin,hair  and nail ailments.Call 9004839333  for  appointments.